So a few weeks ago it started raining and seemingly never stopped. The rain caused many landslides around Medellin. I live in the valley and take a windy road up the mountain to get to school. The landslides closed this road and made it impossible for us to go to school several days. It was kind of crazy because we didn't know from day to day whether we would be able to get to school the next day or not. But it was nice to have surprise days off. Also, the first day it started we were all rushed home early with very little warning so we could get down the mountain before it closed. Now, we are back at school, but we are on shorten days. Also, we have to take a different road to school. It takes over an hour. Yuck! But luckily there is only one week of school left.
These are some pictures of one of the main slides. Don't worry I didn't take them. These came from the newspaper. But I have seen a lot of it and it is pretty wild. Entire mountains have seemingly collapsed and there are HUGE boulders, bigger than buses in the roads. Crazy! Luckily it has stopped raining for a few days and the mountain seems to have stopped falling!