Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Halloween from Medellin! And who says you have to wait until after Halloween to start decorating for Christmas??!!

Many of the buildings around my neighborhood decorate for Halloween with these interesting wooden painted things....

I'm not sure what's wrong with their heads on this one

I think they got confused and thought it was Easter

Senor Frog meets the Scarecrow?

Oh, but wait, it gets better. This is the park near my house. They have already started decorating for Christmas. It is so....what's the word....festive? weird? hilarious?
I'm not sure

telephone pole turned Christmas tree

There are hundreds of these starts lining the walkways

This is my favorite. At the entrance to the park we can see Mary and Joseph. It's hard to tell from this picture, but they are about 30 feet tall. I kid you not! And that blue and white striped thing is baby Jesus....

words cannot describe....

That's me standing in front of Joseph on the left

flying angels everywhere

I just can't wait until they turn on the lights!!