So, I went on an overnight trip to a small town about two hours away on a bus. I went went with Jen, Jenna and Sarah. There is a man made lake/reservoir that was created about 30 years ago. They flooded the town to create drinking water for the area. It was really beautiful. It had all these little islands and the lake fingers off for miles. There is the big igneous rock in the middle of it all that you can walk up to the top for a great view of the whole area.
My traveling companions in our hotel room

The view from out hotel
The church and the square

the view of the rock from the boat

A view from the boat of one of many of Pablo Escobar's fincas. It was bombed in the early 90's when they were hunting him down. They thought he was hiding out here, but supposedly he escaped before they blew the place up. It is for sale for some insanely cheap price by the government, but no one will buy it because of its bad connections.

This is the cross from the church in the town that was flooded so many years ago....

A beautiful rainbow awaited us on our return back to town

The rock...we walked up those stairs, something like 700 of them

the view from the top