These are pictures from my first weekend out of the city. A lot of people in Medellin own fincas, or farms. These are like country homes in the surrounding mountains where they go on weekends and holidays to get out of the city for a few days. This weekend I was invited to a finca of one of the people from my school. There was about 30 of us that went. Most of the group were native Spanish speakers so it was also a great language lesson. It was a two hour drive on windy country roads. We arrived Friday night and came home on Sunday. I shared a room with two other people. It was in the country on a dirt road, far from any city. It was great for star watching at night. It was hot and humid during the day, so we spent most of our time in the pool. I also went on a hike to another waterfall and went horseback riding. All of our meals were prepared and served by the caretakers of the house (aka maids). It is very common here and very difficult to get used to, but I am adjusting....
It was a wonderful relaxing weekend. This country is very beautiful. The people are incredibly warm, friendly and sincere. It is a very different culture, but very enjoyable.
The entrance

It was a rough day hanging out in the pool with this view......

the grounds

Rum in a box??!! Perfect for sipping from while relaxing in my hammock

I might have been a little scared....

so I got off and let someone else have a turn.

The Sunday hike to a waterfall

Yes, the water was cold....

I went home very dirty, but it was well worth it!!